This event is fired when the clock child finishes running
When this property is true, on the next update cycle, the clock will automatically remove the object from its list of children.
Many shimi classes support using string references so that they're easier to retrieve at a later point in time.
An example of where this can be useful for clock children is when you want to stop some processes:
const clip = new shimi.Clip(1);
clip.notes.push(new shimi.ClipNote(0, 1, shimi.pitch('C4'), 80));
//Whenever the spacebar is pressed, add a new clip player to start playing the clip indefinitely => {
const clipPlayer = new shimi.ClipPlayer(clip, metronome, midiOut);
clipPlayer.ref = 'spacebar clips';
//Whenever the backspace button is pressed, stop all players which were started by the spacebar
keyboard.backspace.pressed.add(() => {
clock.stopChildren(x => x.ref == 'spacebar clips');
This method should contain any logic that needs to be performed to wrap up the running of the object, and also ensure that the finished property returns true.
In implementations which naturally only last a finite amount of time, calling finish from the update method will ensure that the object is automatically dropped by the clock when no longer needed.
The update method gets called by Clock each cycle to allow the implementing object to update itself, there should be no reason for consumers of the library to call this.
How many milliseconds have passed since the last update cycle.
The withRef method should be implemented so that the ref of an object can be defined through a chained method. For example:
clock.addChild(Cue.afterMs(100, () => console.log('HELLO!')).withRef('cueHello'));
The ref that should be assigned to the IClockChild.
Generated using TypeDoc
The IClockChild defines an interface which every class that must be able to be added to the Clock should implement.