Records what bar the flexinome is currently on.
This just returns barTracker.value
Records how many beats have passed within the current bar.
This just returns barBeatTracker.value
Records the difference in bar beat values, enabling inspection of the beat within the current bar from one update cycle to the next.
Records how many quarter notes have passed within the current bar
This just returns barQuarterNoteTracker.value
Records the difference in bar quarter note values, enabling inspection of the quarter note within the current bar from one update cycle to the next.
Records the bar number in the previous update vs the current one.
Event that fires when the metronome is allowed to resume running (enabled = true)
Gets whether the flexinome is currently enabled to run.
Sets whether the flexinome is currently enabled to run.
This event fires when the Flexinome finishes.
Returns true if the Flexinome has been instructed to stop everything by the finish()
Event that fires whenever the metronome is directed to move to a new position.
Provides a way of identifying flexinomes so they can be easily retrieved later
Event that fires when the metronome is first started
Event that fires when the metronome is instructed to stop running (enabled = false)
Get the current flexinome tempo.
Set the current flexinome tempo.
Get the tempo multiplier. This allows defining the tempo in terms of other duration values than just quarter notes. For example, if tempo == 120
tempoMultiplier == 1
means ♩ = 120
tempoMultiplier == 0.5
means ♪ = 120
tempoMultiplier == 1.5
means ♩. = 120
The default value is 1.
Set the tempo multiplier. This allows defining the tempo in terms of other duration values than just quarter notes. For example, if tempo == 120
tempoMultiplier == 1
means ♩ = 120
tempoMultiplier == 0.5
means ♪ = 120
tempoMultiplier == 1.5
means ♩. = 120
Valid values are technically all positive numbers, though in reality only numbers that correspond to common musical note durations make sense.
Get the current flexinome time signature.
Set the flexinome time signature.
Note: This doesn't actually change the time signature straight away, but instead stores it so that the time signature changes on the start of the next bar.
How many beats have passed in total since the flexinome started.
This just returns totalBeatTracker.value
Records the difference in total beats passed, enabling inspection of the total beat change from one update cycle to the next.
How many quarter notes have passed in total since the flexinome started.
This just returns totalQuarterNoteTracker.value
Records the difference in total quarter notes passed, enabling inspection of the total quarter note change from one update cycle to the next.
Returns the name of this type. This can be used rather than instanceof which is sometimes unreliable.
This takes in a beat division and checks if the metronome is currently at some multiple of that division within the current bar, returning what multiple of the division we're currently at. For example: atBarBeatMultiple(0.5) returns 0 if we're at beat 0, 1 if we're at beat 0.5, 2 if we're at beat 1, etc. If not at a multiple of the division, then -1 is returned.
The beat division to check if the metronome is at a multiple of.
This takes a quarter note and returns true if the flexinome is currently at it, or has only just passed it in the bar within the last update cycle.
The quarter note to test if we've recently passed.
This takes in a quarter note division and checks if the metronome is currently at some multiple of that division within the current bar, returning what multiple of the division we're currently at. For example: atBarQuarterNoteMultiple(0.5) returns 0 if we're at QN 0, 1 if we're at QN 0.5, 2 if we're at QN 1, etc. If not at a multiple of the division, then -1 is returned.
The beat division to check if the metronome is at a multiple of.
This method allows for setting the metronome to a specific position.
Note though, that the bar-related values are calculated under the assumption that the metronome's current time signature is the one that it always has.
The new position, as measured in quarter notes.
This method is exposed primarily for the TickReceiver, so it can get a metronome to update, using its own calculation of how many quarter notes to update by.
This method should not be called by consumers of the library.
The number of quarter notes to update the metronome by.
Provides a way for setting the ref through a chained function call. For example:
clock.addChild(new Flexinome(120, TimeSig.commonTime).withRef('metronome'));
The calling object.
The ref to set on the object.
Generated using TypeDoc
The Flexinome, much like the Metronome, is an implementation of the IMetronome interface, and is used for converting millisecond updates in time, into beat updates in time.
The Flexinome differs from the Metronome though, in that it fully embraces the IMetronome's concept of separating quarter notes from beats, allowing a lot of flexibility in how bars can be divided up, with some beats stretching out to last longer than others.
This means that if you had a 4 beat clip, it could be played infinitely many ways, just by passing it into a ClipPlayer that's linked to a Flexinome, and altering the time signature that it's using.
To better understand how this works, please take a look at the IMetronome and TimeSig documentation.