This event fires when the arpeggiator finishes.
Returns true if the Metronome has been instructed to stop everything by the finish()
The metronome which gets updated each cycle.
Returns the number of ticks that have been received since the last update cycle.
Provides a way of identifying TickReceivers so they can be easily retrieved later
How many ticks occur per quarter note.
Returns the name of this type. This can be used rather than instanceof which is sometimes unreliable.
Provides a way for setting the ref through a chained function call. For example:
clock.addChild(new TickReceiver(midiInput, metronome, 24).withRef('tickReceiver'));
The calling object.
The ref to set on the object.
Generated using TypeDoc
The TickReceiver class allows a shimi IMetronome instance to be updated by ticks coming from a MIDI input, rather than it updating itself.