The ToneJS instrument which will be responsible for playback.
The ToneJSMidiOut instance which this channel object belongs to.
A collection of current control values. This array is instanciated in the constructor with 128 indices, each one initially set to 0. As control change MIDI messages are received, these values get updated.
This property is null by default, but can take a function value which gets called every time the channel receives a new control change message.
Stores whether the ToneJS instrument being held is polyphonic. This is mainly for internal purposes, to determine how calls are made to the target.
The ToneJSMidiOut instance which this channel object belongs to.
The ToneJS instrument which will be responsible for playback.
Returns the name of this type. This can be used rather than instanceof which is sometimes unreliable.
This method gets called by ToneJSMidiOut whenever a pitch bend message is received for this channel. Note, this method will only take action if the attached ToneJS instrument is monophonic. Using pitch bends in conjunction with frequency manipulation through ToneJS's set of tools will lead to weird results
Returns true if any action was taken.
The pitch bend message that was received
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The ToneJSMidiOutChannel class represents one particular MIDI channel within the ToneJSMidiOut. It holds a reference to a ToneJS instrument object, and handles the conversion from received MIDI messages into actions to perform on the ToneJS instrument.