The MIDI pitch of the note, valid values range from 0 - 127. Can also take pitch names, see the pitch method for more information.
The note's velocity (loudness), valid values range from 0 - 127.
Which channel should the note play on, valid values range from 0 - 15.
ref: stringProvides way of identifying notes so they can be easily retrieved later.
Tracks changes to whether the note is playing.
By default the state is on and dirty.
Provides way of identifying notes so they can be easily retrieved later.
Tracks changes to the note velocity.
Which channel should the note play on, valid values range from 0 - 15.
WARNING! Even though the channel value can be set at any time, you should avoid setting it once the note has already started being played.
Is the note playing.
The MIDI pitch of the note, valid values range from 0 - 127.
WARNING! Even though the pitch value can be set at any time, you should avoid setting it once the note has already started being played.
Returns the name of this type. This can be used rather than instanceof which is sometimes unreliable.
The note's velocity (loudness), valid values range from 0 - 127. The setter for this rounds the value to the nearest integer so that note velocity tweening will not recognise tiny marginal changes and send out unnecessary aftertouch messages.
Generated using TypeDoc
The Note class models a single musical note which can be started and stopped, to be played at a specific pitch & velocity, on a specific channel.