The channelPressure property can be subscribed to, to receive all Channel Pressure messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The continue property can be subscribed to, to receive all Continue messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The controlChange property can be subscribed to, to receive all Control Change messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The noteOff property can be subscribed to, to receive all Note Off messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The noteOn property can be subscribed to, to receive all Note On messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The notePressure property can be subscribed to, to receive all Note Pressure messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The pitchBend property can be subscribed to, to receive all Pitch Bend messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The MIDI port which data gets received from, see the MidiAccess class.
Setting this property automatically unsubscribes from any previously connected MIDI port, and also automatically subscribes to the newly set MIDI port.
The programChange property can be subscribed to, to receive all Program Change messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The songPosition property can be subscribed to, to receive all Song Position messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The start property can be subscribed to, to receive all Start messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The stop property can be subscribed to, to receive all Stop messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
The tick property can be subscribed to, to receive all timing clock messages that pass through the MidiIn object.
Returns the name of this type. This can be used rather than instanceof which is sometimes unreliable.
The receiveData method allows for raw MIDI message data to be passed in, which will then be analysed, and trigger an event for whichever MIDI event type it corresponds to.
The data parameter should be a MIDI-compliant byte-array, see here for more information Summary of MIDI 1.0 Messages.
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The MidiIn class is an implementation of IMidiIn, which receives MIDI messages from a connected MIDI port and distributes in a more easily consumable format.